IoT Rundown An Amazing IoT Statistics You Need to Know Primary image

IoT Rundown: An Amazing IoT Statistics You Need to Know

Only typing IoT into Google delivers over 1.5 billion hits. Since the first IoT concepts and plans began to develop, the completion rate has been explosive. This explosion is because of customer adoption and requirements. Since the business fused IoT devices into their network infrastructures, data collection opportunities overflow and how it is managed will further expand…

Teksun Tejas Infotainment For The New Age Automotives Primary image

Teksun Tejas Infotainment For The New-Age Automotives

Catching A Sight Of The Automotive Sector Economies nowadays are assuming new forms, triggering the development in emerging markets, and accelerating the rise of new technologies. This shift brings in the employment and adoption of new technologies, sustainability policies, thereby further bringing in new customer preferences. The automotive sector stands no exception when it’s about…

Hear with BoneThe Evolution of Bone Conduction Headphones Primary image

Hear with Bone:The Evolution of Bone Conduction Headphones

Bone conduction technology: Anyone who hears the first time, the idea sounds either fashionable or strange. So, we’ve come up with answers to the most frequently asked questions about bone conduction tech, along with its statistics and technical facts. When the First Development of Bone Conduction Technology? Ludwig van Beethoven—famous composer and pianist— invented it…

How IoT and AI Can Help Save the Planet Primary Image

How IoT and AI Can Help Save the Planet

For environmental sustainability, leverage AI and IoT to boost our current efforts for environmental safeguard. As per a 2018 report by Intel, 74% of 200 business decision-makers in environmental sustainability accepted that AI would help address ecological issues. AI and IoT- Reduce e-waste Without proper disposal, millions of electronic devices are rejected. Consequently, billions of…

IoT Solutions Connectivity revolution in the Automotive Sector Primary image

IoT Solutions: Connectivity revolution in the Automotive Sector

The Internet of Things (IoT) is reshaping several industries, including automobiles. We must acknowledge that linked technologies are altering our way of life. According to GlobeNewswire’s independent market research, “Automotive IoT Market by Platform-Global Forecast to 2025,” the automotive IoT market will develop at a CAGR of 16.4% from 2019 to 2025, reaching $541.73 billion.…