In this blog, Let’s have look at how the general Web Development Process may look like. The total number of development phases normally ranges from five to eight, but every time the image continues pretty much the same. Let’s select the average value. So, here are seven major phases:
- Gathering information
- Planning
- Development
- Content Writing and Assembling
- Coding
- Testing and Launch
- Maintenance
Gathering Information
This step, the step of identifying and researching, defines how the stage will look like. and here the most essential purpose is to get a transparent knowledge of your future website designs, the main objects you wish to get, and the targeted audience you need to bring to your site. Such sort of a Web Design and Development questionnaire will assist you to produce the best strategy for more project management.
News portal changes from the fun websites and online resources for beginners look different than sites for adults. Various types of websites give visitors many functionalities which indicate that different technologies should be used as per the target. A well-defined policy made based on this pre-development data can stop you from spending extra resources.
At this stage of the Web Development Process, the developer creates the data that enables the customer to decide how the whole site will look like. And then based on the data and information gathered together in the prior step, the sitemap is generated.
The connections between the central section of your website should be defined by the sitemap. and such a description could assist you to know how useful the final product will be. The chief reason behind the sitemap creation is to develop a user-friendly and simple to navigate website.
The sitemap lets you understand how the internal construction of the website looks seem, but it does not define the user interface. Before you begin coding or begin working on layouts and design it is necessary to get approval from the client. And as he allows you can start the next stage of developing. In this event, a wireframe is designed and a wireframe is a visual representation of the user interface that you are going to build. But it doesn’t include any design components such as colors, logos, etc. It only describes the components that will be joined to the page and their location. It’s simple and affordable in production sketch. The next essential element is chosen to the technology stack – programming language, frameworks, CMS that you’re going to use.
During the design stage, your Web Development takes shape. All the visual content, such as mages, photos and videos are generated at this phase. The consumer and targeted audience: You should remember the customer and targeted audience while you work on a Web Development Process.
The website layout is the outcome of a designer’s work. The foremost function of the layout is to describe the formation of the information, visualize the content and describe the basic purpose. Layout logo, images, colors, and can provide a comprehensive knowledge of the future product.
After that, the client can examine the layouts and send you his review. If the customer is not filled with the design. you should improve the layout and give it back to him. till the customer is fully happy.
Content Writing and Assembling
Content writing is one of the most powerful and easiest means to hold your website informative and refreshed and its role can’t be minimized as it normally overlays with the other steps of website creation. SEO Content writing is the method of putting the right words at the best places to build sentences that describe quality content. Experienced ghostwriting service is the most essential component of your SEO. And it requires the writing of catching headlines, text editing, writing new text, etc., and all these inventions take time and work. Normally, the customer undertakes to offer website content ready to transfer to the site.
At this coding stage, you can begin building your website. Graphic parts that were created during the previous steps should be used to build a real website. Normally, the home page is designed first, and then all other sub-pages are added later, and according to the website hierarchy that was earlier produced in the body of a sitemap. You should create Frameworks and CMS to assure that the server can run the installation and set-up method smoothly.
All static web page components should be tested that were designed during the mock-up and layout production. At this stage, you should have a deep knowledge of every Web Development Process that you are going to use.
Testing, Review, and Launch
At this testing stage, every single link should be tested to assure that there are no broken links among them and you can count broken links at You should check every form every script and Use code validators to verify if your code follows the modern web standards. After you check and re-check your website, it’s time to upload it to a server.
The most essential point one should keep in mind is that a website is more of a service than a product. And It’s not quite to just “deliver” a website to a user. You should also ensure that everything goes nice and the user(everybody) is content and should always be able to make a variation on the website.
The review system which you have continued to the site will assist you to identify possible difficulties the end-users face. The greatest preference task, in this instance, is to address the issue as quickly as you can. As if you decline to fix the user query then the user will probably favor using another website sooner than put up problems. Another important concern is keeping your website up to date.
One thing that should be remembered is that the Web Development Process doesn’t start with coding and doesn’t finish after the day you finally start your website. The period of formation influences all following steps, explaining how productive the development process will be. Post-launch time is very valuable. Your project should be manageable just to have the likelihood to improve your website according to users’ reviews or spirit of the time. Remember that there’s no such thing as an irrelevant website development stage that will stop you from sudden troubles. And provide you confidence that everything runs as it should, and you have complete control over the project.