Teksun Inc stands to derive exceptional Biotech solutions that aid in bringing to the counter new life-saving therapies. Driven by our well-fostered business model, we help you get the apt Biotech solutions with faster time-to-market.

Advanced Biotech
Biotechnology is revolutionizing from the IoT powered medicine sciences to advanced Diagnostics through live data, machine learnings, and AIs. New tests and Analytics can detect changes in the DNA sequence of genes associated with health profiles, disease risk and predict the likelihood of a patient suffering. Early diagnosis is the obvious way to prevent the disease or slow down the disease’s progress through early treatment.

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Our Offerings

With possessing broad level expertise across hardware design, software development, biotech standards, production support, along with compliance and testing, we impart the finest of Biotech to our clients. We provide compact, light-weight, and battery-powered device development. With the vivid skills and diversified expertise of various domains, Teksun offers services, technology, and turnkey solutions for the Pharmatech field.

Engineered with Care
With a sprawling range of product engineering services, we assist you in building leading edge biotech solutions capable of conveying easy accessibility to different services, information, and places by identifying authorized individuals. With expertise in embedded system development, IoT, ML, AI, and more, we impart you engineered excellence with care.

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Boosted with Software
With phenomenal software services inclusive of Quality Engineering, Big Data, Cloud Computing, and others, we help you gain and maintain scalability, interoperability, connectivity, and compatibility. We have successfully designed and developed the customized Micro Sensors using proprietary “Tek-NanoTechnology” processes in the recent past. Get the privilege of a stack of software layers, along with co-design of hardware and software to implement the ideal Biotech system.

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Fused with the IoT Edge
We aid you by infusing the IoT capabilities into the Biotech solutions customized just for you. Our professionals assist you with complete support right from the hardware design to the compliance trial to final delivery. With Advanced WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) topologies, Teksun has offered many IoT based solutions on various domains like Healthcare, Industrial IoT, Smart farming, BioTech, etc.

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Cutting-Edge Development
Wrapped in a comprehensive set of industry experience and a broad footprint of successfully delivering consistent services specially tailored for Biotech, we develop products and solutions that are highly secured and reliable. Our experts being apt in biotech standards and formulations, bring you a revolutionary BioTech experience. Teksun has successfully developed certain smart nano materials and has designed Microsensors for the BioTech domain.

Talk to our experts

Your project requirements would help us assist you in the journey of BioTechnology. Connect with us, and let our tech mavens introduce you to various services and solutions that we have for you.

Your project requirements would help us assist you in the journey of BioTechnology. Connect with us, and let our tech mavens introduce you to various services and solutions that we have for you.

What Makes Us to Stand Out?


We provide a series of hardware design services aimed at Biotech, including mechanical design, fabrication, and likewise.


Teksun can design and develop IoT based customized Liquid Handlers with the integration of associated peripherals.


Our team works seamlessly on ensuring that Biotech Solutions complies with regulatory compliance like cGMP and cGXP.


We offer custom-integrated service inclusive of technology transfers and highly potent and controlled substance handling.


We have dedicated suites for
unique program requirements like
developing innovative BioTech


You receive end-to-end production accompanied by electronics manufacturing, production support, and relevant certification.

Our Solutions

Teksun endows the Biotech industry with advanced delivery technologies, development, and manufacturing solutions. With experts from across the industries, Teksun brings you proven expertise, superior technologies, tech support, and reliable global supply. With this, we ensure you a successful project delivery with both cost and time efficiency.

Cloud VMS Framework
Tejas 625 SOM 2.0
Tejas 625 Evaluation Kit
Tejas 625 Evaluation Kit
Tejas 210 SOM
Tejas 210 Evaluation Kit (1)
Tejas 210 Evaluation Kit
Tejas Android Gateway
Tejas Android Gateway

Technology Index to Reinforce Businesses

At Teksun Inc, we form our Biotech solutions with unique technologies backed by talent having deep expertise that aids in transforming your concepts into excellent results. We offer a unique blend of automation knowledge and validation expertise to satiate your business-specific requirements across the system design, development, and testing.

Being a leading provider of IoT Engineering services, we develop for our clients by letting companies design and deploy IoT solutions. Our embedded & firmware engineering teams leverage parts of an embedded ecosystem.

Modernize any workflow with a solution that is bespoke for your company, function, or service. We are skilled in developing an AI platform. Our experts can assist you in creating a custom product of any complexity.

Our practice with machine learning models created to get insight from your business' data suggests you can access the most advanced product engineering abilities with intelligence and operational excellence.

Using AR, we cater to all of your precise demands. Our engineers have the technical expertise to build solutions that change challenging engineering projects into visible plans that are simple to use and understand.

From modern solutions to engineering requirements, we follow a unique plan to give the service as per your precise needs. Our diverse team creates transition ideas to build solutions that excel your expectations.


Being a leading provider of IoT Engineering services, we develop for our clients by letting companies design and deploy IoT solutions. Our embedded & firmware engineering teams leverage parts of an embedded ecosystem.


Modernize any workflow with a solution that is bespoke for your company, function, or service. We are skilled in developing an AI platform. Our experts can assist you in creating a custom product of any complexity.

Machine Learning

Our practice with machine learning models created to get insight from your business' data suggests you can access the most advanced product engineering abilities with intelligence and operational excellence.


Using AR, we cater to all of your precise demands. Our engineers have the technical expertise to build solutions that change challenging engineering projects into visible plans that are simple to use and understand.


From modern solutions to engineering requirements, we follow a unique plan to give the service as per your precise needs. Our diverse team creates transition ideas to build solutions that excel your expectations.

Being a leading provider of IoT Engineering services, we develop for our clients by letting companies design and deploy IoT solutions. Our embedded & firmware engineering teams leverage parts of an embedded ecosystem.

Modernize any workflow with a solution that is bespoke for your company, function, or service. We are skilled in developing an AI platform. Our experts can assist you in creating a custom product of any complexity.

Our practice with machine learning models created to get insight from your business' data suggests you can access the most advanced product engineering abilities with intelligence and operational excellence.

Using AR, we cater to all of your precise demands. Our engineers have the technical expertise to build solutions that change challenging engineering projects into visible plans that are simple to use and understand.

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From modern solutions to engineering requirements, we follow a unique plan to give the service as per your precise needs. Our diverse team creates transition ideas to build solutions that excel your expectations.

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Our blogs bring you the most recent market updates regarding which technologies are taking up space in the Biotech sector, the future holding for BioTechnology, and much more. Dive deep into the pool of our interesting blogs

How Do IoT Solutions Contribute to Building Smart Cities?
How IoT Solutions is Transforming the Electric Vehicle (EV) Industry
IoT Devices
Why Prioritizing IoT Firmware Security Matters?
What Role Does IoT Play in Crop Health Monitoring?


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