In the Wearable domain, Teksun provides the complete conceptualization, designing, and development of smart devices and gadgets packed with peculiar integration of sensors and displaying robust and ergonomic design.

Wearable Savvy!
Our team of well-experienced engineers strives to furnish you with the services of wearable electronics design and wearable app development. We have expertise in enriching your wearables project with features like the smallest form factor, extended battery life, thermal management, miniaturization, voice recognition, and multi-board designs.

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Our Offerings

Teksun Inc has sapient expertise in building leading-edge wearable solutions that are simple to use and can be used for varied purposes. We provide you with quicker time-to-market apart from instilling your wearables with data security, intuitive user experience, dual battery solutions, reduced heat dissipation, and more.

Engineered with Care
With a sprawling range of product engineering services, we assist you in building Wearable Electronics Solutions and Wearable Apps capable of conveying benefits like smart hands-free assistance and voice-based support. With expertise in embedded system development, IoT, and more, we impart you engineered excellence with care.

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Boosted with Software
With phenomenal software services inclusive of Quality Engineering, Big Data, Cloud Computing, and others, we help you gain and maintain scalability, interoperability, connectivity, and compatibility. Get the privilege of facilities like head tracking, voice recognition, robust Bluetooth/WiFi connectivity, firmware development for MCU, and more with us.

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Fused with the IoT Edge
We aid you by infusing the IoT capabilities into the Wearables products and solutions customized for you, hence delivering you optimized systems and processes. Our wearable electronic device designs, being instilled with the Internet of Things, stand competent for displaying and sharing information across the internet-connected data streams.

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Cutting-Edge Development
Wrapped in a comprehensive set of industry experience and a broad footprint of successfully delivering consistent services specially tailored for Wearables, we develop products and solutions packed with features like small form factor, sensor integrated, miniaturized, thermal management, ergonomic design, and improved battery life.

Talk to our experts

Our master consultants have expertise in conceptualizing your ideas, documenting precise business goals, and suggesting the best service regarding your specific domain, business objectives, and project requirements.

Our master consultants have expertise in conceptualizing your ideas, documenting precise business goals, and suggesting the best service regarding your specific domain, business objectives, and project requirements.

What Makes Us to Stand Out?


We provide comprehensive product design services inclusive of feasibility study, prototyping, industrial design, and more.


Our tech experts instill you with robust power supply architecture to deliver optimized power and extended battery life.


With our wearable app development, you can see the live parameters, receiving remote configuration & OTA upgrade.


We offer seamless integration of sensors like accelerometer, temperature, humidity, magnetometer, and heart rate.


Teksun can incorporate the
Wearables with WiFi, BLE, and
NFC to impart you with constant
wireless connectivity.


We equip you with a wide range of facilities, inclusive of offerings like PoP assembly, HDI technology, and Flex PCB designs.

Our Solutions

We offer a broad spectrum of solutions, a few of which are IoT Suraksha Band, Smart Pebble Wearable Watch, BLE Health Monitoring Wristband, Air Quality Monitoring Wristband, and Clothes for Health Monitoring. These solutions impart functionalities like quick notification management, real-time alerts, etc.

Cloud VMS Framework
Tejas 625 SOM 2.0
Tejas 625 Evaluation Kit
Tejas 625 Evaluation Kit
Tejas 210 SOM
Tejas 210 Evaluation Kit (1)
Tejas 210 Evaluation Kit
Tejas Android Gateway
Tejas Android Gateway

Technology Index to Reinforce Businesses

When with us, you have ensured the latest stack of technologies and techniques. We instill your intelligent devices with wireless technologies like GPS, WiFi, and BLE for getting the best of sleep tracking, step count, heart rate monitoring, worker safety and healthcare, respiration rate monitoring, danger identification, and notification, etc.

Being a leading provider of IoT Engineering services, we develop for our clients by letting companies design and deploy IoT solutions. Our embedded & firmware engineering teams leverage parts of an embedded ecosystem.

Modernize any workflow with a solution that is bespoke for your company, function, or service. We are skilled in developing an AI platform. Our experts can assist you in creating a custom product of any complexity.

Our practice with machine learning models created to get insight from your business' data suggests you can access the most advanced product engineering abilities with intelligence and operational excellence.

Using AR, we cater to all of your precise demands. Our engineers have the technical expertise to build solutions that change challenging engineering projects into visible plans that are simple to use and understand.

From modern solutions to engineering requirements, we follow a unique plan to give the service as per your precise needs. Our diverse team creates transition ideas to build solutions that excel your expectations.


Being a leading provider of IoT Engineering services, we develop for our clients by letting companies design and deploy IoT solutions. Our embedded & firmware engineering teams leverage parts of an embedded ecosystem.


Modernize any workflow with a solution that is bespoke for your company, function, or service. We are skilled in developing an AI platform. Our experts can assist you in creating a custom product of any complexity.

Machine Learning

Our practice with machine learning models created to get insight from your business' data suggests you can access the most advanced product engineering abilities with intelligence and operational excellence.


Using AR, we cater to all of your precise demands. Our engineers have the technical expertise to build solutions that change challenging engineering projects into visible plans that are simple to use and understand.


From modern solutions to engineering requirements, we follow a unique plan to give the service as per your precise needs. Our diverse team creates transition ideas to build solutions that excel your expectations.

Being a leading provider of IoT Engineering services, we develop for our clients by letting companies design and deploy IoT solutions. Our embedded & firmware engineering teams leverage parts of an embedded ecosystem.

Modernize any workflow with a solution that is bespoke for your company, function, or service. We are skilled in developing an AI platform. Our experts can assist you in creating a custom product of any complexity.

Our practice with machine learning models created to get insight from your business' data suggests you can access the most advanced product engineering abilities with intelligence and operational excellence.

Using AR, we cater to all of your precise demands. Our engineers have the technical expertise to build solutions that change challenging engineering projects into visible plans that are simple to use and understand.

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From modern solutions to engineering requirements, we follow a unique plan to give the service as per your precise needs. Our diverse team creates transition ideas to build solutions that excel your expectations.

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When we present you with these brand new wearables blog, we also provide you with the latest updates on the wearables... what technologies have come up recently, how’s the market looking like in the coming years, any new use-case introduced, and so on.

How Do IoT Solutions Contribute to Building Smart Cities?
How IoT Solutions is Transforming the Electric Vehicle (EV) Industry
IoT Devices
Why Prioritizing IoT Firmware Security Matters?
What Role Does IoT Play in Crop Health Monitoring?


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