Teksun Telep Fall Detection AI Model is the solution that uses a skeleton based approach to detect unintentional falls in real-time and generates alerts. Seal the benefits of our developed solutions that save lives.

Teksun Telep Fall Detection AI Model runs with Teksun Tejas 625 Evolution Kit, which is powered by Qualcomm 625 (octa-core) ARM Cortex-A53 and 64-bit GPU. Tejas EVK is equipped with 5 Mega Pixel cameras that watch real-time video for fall detection. It monitors the body skeleton without latency to identify fall detection in real-time. When elderly individuals fall within the monitored zone, the Telep Fall Detection AI Algorithm generates an alert and sends the alert along with a real-time video clip using only the camera feed as input through MQTT channel over Tejas SOM Board’s WiFi Interface. Additionally, to overcome the problem, we employed a custom trained skeleton method. We built a custom pipeline to train a skeleton model from the ground up using tiny amounts of data in order to cover all possible scenarios and create an accurate fall detection system.
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Our discussed solution is one of the present times solutions and proves to serve the current scenario. The features of our product would get you to know the depth and breadth of our solutions. Below are mentioned the salient features of the Teksun Telep Fall Detection AI Model


Active Detection in Real-Time
In our developed solution, fall accidents are reported in real-time as we have ingrained a fall alarm when an actual fall happens.


Protect the Personal Privacy
Built-in with On-edge detection that can detect humans without identifying individuals.This maintains privacy at all times.


Easy Integration
Our solution supports an easy-to-use API, we can use the same flag to trigger caretakers, relatives, emergency services, etc


Multi-person fall detection
Our developed model’s best feature is that it can handle a multi-person skeleton, allowing for multi-person fall detection.


The Lightweight & user-friendly design makes it easy to get deployed on any android based edge device.

Allow us to provide you with a more comprehensive view of our Teksun Telep Fall Detection AI Model. To learn more about the advantages of our solution, contact our team of experts now.

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Allow us to provide you with a more comprehensive view of our Teksun Telep Fall Detection AI Model. To learn more about the advantages of our solution, contact our team of experts now.

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Take a look

Concepts may be clarified by visual impressions of solutions. The Teksun Telep Fall Detection AI Model offers a number of benefits that are based on automation and innovation. To assist you understand what we're talking about, we've put together a collection of Teksun Telep Fall Detection AI Model Images.

Use Case

The use-cases below are designed to show you how the Teksun Telep Fall Detection AI Model will assist you and how you can utilize it to reach your business goals, allowing you to make informed decisions for your respected company.


Healthcare Facility


Elderly Care Centers




Construction & Manufacturing

We recognize that this is a significant investment for your company and that it cannot be made hastily. As a result, we provide you with a wealth of additional information and tools, such as a Demo, to assist you in making a more informed decision.

We recognize that this is a significant investment for your company and that it cannot be made hastily. As a result, we provide you with a wealth of additional information and tools, such as a Demo, to assist you in making a more informed decision.


The precision and intelligence provided by the Teksun Telep Fall Detection AI Model are owed in large part to its resilient architecture, which helps these features to last longer. Building a self-supporting architecture is achievable thanks to our qualified tech architects.

You've made it this far! Take the well-known Teksun Telep Fall Detection AI Model to you, which automatically detects falls and provides fast assistance for a senior that is prone to falls.

You've made it this far! Take the well-known Teksun Telep Fall Detection AI Model to you, which automatically detects falls and provides fast assistance for a senior that is prone to falls.

Industries We Serves

We believe in maximizing the value of our goods and solutions to help you reach your full business potential. Automotive, industrial automation, home automation, agritech, BioTech, and other industries can all benefit from Teksun's solutions.

Health Care

Related Solutions

As icing on the cake, we present you with a diverse selection of connected solutions that could be beneficial to your company. Take a look through our list of given solutions to see if there are any that fit your project's criteria and business needs, increasing your profit margins and client happiness.


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