What are IoT Security 2021 Trends Primary image

What are IoT Security 2021 Trends?

As working from home has introduced new security risks, the Internet of Things (IoT) promises to raise the stakes even higher. Consider the damage that hundreds of millions of people working from home would cause. Corporate security defences were substantially undermined and, in some cases, overwhelmed as a result of this. IoT has the potential…

How Cognitive enabled AI systems are benefitting the Security & Surveillance sector Primary Image

How Cognitive-enabled AI systems are benefitting the Security & Surveillance sector?

A Sneak-Peek Into The Domain Of Cognitive Technology The governments and local administrations across the world are adjusting their focus on public safety and fraud prevention in recent times. Though the security industry has been employing technologies like that of surveillance cameras and other detectors, it needs manual monitoring for the purpose to be fulfilled.…

How Wearable Technology Will Soar the Future of Mobile Apps Primary image

How Wearable Will Reshape the Future of Mobile Application

Wearables appear to have created a previously untapped market segment. Apart from this, wearable technologies have created a new world of opportunities. In the current scenario, it has become more advanced than hand-held technology. The benefits of wearable technology are endless and can strike many industries such as healthcare, automotive, agritech, home automation, security &…

Machine Learning A Complete Guide with Real Life Use Cases Primary image

Machine Learning: A Complete Guide with Real Life Use Cases

Machine Learning is one of the advanced innovations that has assisted humans in improving several professional and industrial processes and advancing our routine life. But, first and foremost, what is machine learning? A subset of artificial intelligence focuses on using statistical approaches to construct intelligent computer systems that can learn from databases. Machine learning is…