Edge computing allows you to collect, process, and compute large amounts of data on-premises and then efficiently upload essentials to a cloud or a centralized data center. We offer Edge computing solutions to bring seamless and robust system architecture.

Optimum Automation!
Teksun provides a fully optimized and integrated edge computing solution for businesses to get commenced on their Industry 4.0 way. We have expertise in a broad range of edge computing applications, Industry 4.0, and IIoT. These cover IoT Edge Gateway to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to use the data created at the edge of the enterprise. Our solutions offer businesses a platform to know in real-time the “enterprise” data created at the edge for quicker decision-making.

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Our Offerings

Leverage our especially fostered offerings that would aid your business with enhanced performance and merit. Catch sight of these and select the one for your business:


Edge Computing


Edge Computing


IoT Edge


AI Edge


Computer Vision

Every requirement of your project gets satisfied here! Just get in with us and open the doors of infinite offerings, plans, solutions, or strategies for your selected business project. Our experts await to get into the loop!

Every requirement of your project gets satisfied here! Just get in with us and open the doors of infinite offerings, plans, solutions, or strategies for your selected business project. Our experts await to get into the loop!

What makes us unique

The approach that we undertake for ingraining our services is what makes us unique from others in the market:


Our Edge Computing Solutions can be used for Autonomous Vehicles, Smart Cities, Industry 4.0, ATM Improvement, and so on.


We have the depth expertise to design and deploy Edge computing solutions with shortest turnaround time and cost-efficiency.


We offer Edge solutions built-in with high-end Qualcomm computing by best performance for the next-level gateway.


Our engineers let you avail of the broadest portfolio of next-generation edge platforms, thus enriching you with flexibility.


Our team has expertise in MCU / MPU based onboard processing, Edge Computing Hardware, Edge Computing SOM.


We aim for the highest
interoperability levels, which
makes our solution both highly
effective and low-cost.

Hire Developer

Take with you the superior expertise!

Choosing the right technology is very important for automation! Get for your business the finest of our developers that would help you cultivate the most suitable tools and techniques for your business.

Choosing the right technology is very important for automation! Get for your business the finest of our developers that would help you cultivate the most suitable tools and techniques for your business.

Hire Developer

Take with you the superior expertise!

Industry we serve

There are many industries that we have extended our specified services to. A few of which can be rightly named as Consumer Electronics,Healthcare, Home Automation,Industrial Automation,SemiConductor, Automotive, Wearable and Agritech etc

Are you looking to design your edge solution? We have fostered a great Edge Computing scope, which would help your business get a competitive edge in the market. Now get your edge ideas into edge innovation.

Are you looking to design your edge solution? We have fostered a great Edge Computing scope, which would help your business get a competitive edge in the market. Now get your edge ideas into edge innovation.

View related services

Get your business to the top-tier with our vivid range of Edge Computing Solutions and encounter the difference.


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