The Fortunes of AI Surveillance in the World Post Pandemic Primary image

The Fortunes of AI Surveillance in the World Post-Pandemic

Artificial Intelligence has spurred up to be a significant part of the surveillance industry. With bringing in the privileges of real-time monitoring of video footage, intelligent analysis of how security events can transpire, and estimating obligations for inhibiting undesirable events from happening, AI poses great importance to the surveillance domain. This trend has given rise…

The Far & Wide of IoT Gateways

The Far & Wide of IoT Gateways

Overview Just like humans, machines also communicate, but with different languages summarized as IoT standards. With organizations actively indulging in ingraining IoT standards, there’s a vast possibility of thousands of different rules and protocols forming up to guide communication in an ecosystem. Introduction As IoT is gaining pace, there is also being generated massive amounts…

The +’ve Correlation Between AI & Business Productivity

The +’ve Correlation Between AI & Business Productivity

The Introduction: Artificial Intelligence has to be credited for advancing productivity and performance in businesses with its data storage, analysis, and cloud computing additions. By harnessing AI, companies, as well as the industries worldwide, have passage to meaningful and accurate acumen advocating to make informed decisions. The Market Outlook: Being capable of boosting the potency…

IIoT Product Development Strategies

IIoT Product-Development Strategies

Consider a manufacturing machine that anticipates its own maintenance needs and orders the parts needed to repair it or a piece of machinery that can regulate its energy consumption. This is simply the tip of the iceberg regarding the amazing possibilities that industry 4.0 solution has to offer. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is a…

The ABC of Next-Gen Internet of Things

The ABC of Next-Gen Internet of Things

The Opening Strings What’s the Next-Gen Internet of Things? Is that what you’re guessing?? Well, it’s none other than the Industrial IoT, a subset of IoT driving deeper penetration of IoT technology in domains like manufacturing, healthcare, consumer electronics, and more. The trend of IIoT having gained considerable traction across markets is believed to establish…

The Account of IoT with Serverless Architecture

The Account of IoT with Serverless Architecture

The Opening Lines Traditional Cloud-based or Server-based infrastructures are witnessing a downfall due to their rigid cost and space requirements. Meanwhile, Serverless Computing, also popular by the term Function-as-a-Service (FaaS), occupies the space. Serverless Architectures the leading-edge innovations aimed at allowing the developers to run code without hassles and worries. A Glimpse Into The Domain…

An Insight Into The Beacons Technology

An Insight Into The Beacons Technology

Overview Beacons, aimed at harmoniously compounding the offline environment with the online one, have become one of the most lucrative stakes across industries. They stand capable of effortlessly solving your business issues, be it the declination of footfall in your store or additional resource hiring. Let’s get a glimpse of what these Beacons actually are…

Artificial Intelligence Solutions: Helps to Improve the Performance of your Production Business

Artificial Intelligence Solutions: Helps to Improve the Performance of your Production Business

The current production line may appear to be much the same as it was years ago, but a silent revolution is taking place: the industrial industry is going online. Because sensor prices have dropped significantly in recent years, businesses of all sizes increasingly use sensors to collect data at every stage of the production process.…

How to Overcome the Biggest Barriers of IoT Implementation

How to Overcome the Biggest Barriers of IoT Implementation

The Internet of Things includes artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, intelligent robots, networking, and more (IoT). It’s being hailed as the next big thing for forward-thinking companies looking to increase their performance and competitiveness in the face of global problems. Many businesses have begun to experiment with IoT solutions to enhance their competitiveness and…

What's in the Sphere of IoT Analytics!?

What’s in the Sphere of IoT Analytics!?

Overview With the new development of IoT and the sumptuously timeless importance of analytics for businesses emerged the concept of IoT Analytics. With processing and storing massive volumes of complex data from IoT devices, IoT Analytics fetches insightful business value. This is brought into effect with an assortment of tools, including data lakes and analytics…

AI Solutions: Addressing Persistent Business Challenges

AI Solutions: Addressing Persistent Business Challenges

Although each company is unique, even those in entirely different industries confront some of the same long-standing issues. Artificial intelligence has emerged as a well-positioned technology to address many of these commercial difficulties in recent years. Let’s look at five common business difficulties and how AI solutions from specific organizations handle them. Fraud Customers will get…

What's the matter with WiFi 6 and IIoT!?

What’s the matter with WiFi 6 and IIoT!?

Overview WiFi is surely one of the most popular as well as extensive technologies aimed at furnishing quicker and reliable connections. With the birth of the latest generation WiFi connectivity technology, WiFi 6.0, there has occurred a transformation in how we interact and reshape the employment of smart devices for better communication. Moreover, WiFi 6…

Empower IoT security from edge to cloud

Empower IoT security from edge to cloud

Since the Internet of Things has tremendous economic potential, it also provides criminal actors with a growing toolkit for cyber attacks. According to Gartner, 5.5 million “items” are related every day. It’s no surprise that hackers target IoT devices with poor protection for botnets and other attacks because they are always easy targets. When physical…

How AI is Spurring the Next Wave of Healthcare Innovation

How AI is Spurring the Next Wave of Healthcare Innovation

Advancements in artificial intelligence, or AI, revolutionize healthcare and lead to breakthrough results in prediction and prevention. AI solutions have impacted various industries already, but nowhere are developments in artificial intelligence more important than in the healthcare industry—they can be life-saving. One of the world’s highest-growth industries, the AI sector was valued at about $600 million…